Friday, November 26, 2010

Keepin On.

Hello World, 

It's been a while since I posted on here due to the lack of conversation and experiences to share with you all. I've been strictly chillin' as some would like to call it. Others would like to say I'm laying low. Whatever you want to say about it, I'm incognito. Reason being, I took an evaluation on myself a few weeks back and wanted to actually try and do some things to improve myself like I said I was going to. I'm reading almost everyday, running and exercising at the gym more regularly, playing golf and minimizing my distractions. I can say that it is a tough road, however, I feel like it's doing me a lot of good. Mondays have been my worst day this quarter simply because I don't have to work or go to class. With that being said,  I really have nothing to do to put me on the task of being productive. It was hell at first. But here lately I have managed to find somethings that help me pass the time and help me in other areas of my life. Like I said I finally have brought my golf game back from a long overdue vacation. It's been great so far to get back out there and just relax while taking the time out to think about everything else that's going on. It's always something to get better at and it helps me in being patient with other things that are going on. I recently had an old friend who I played music with release his new band's CD about a week ago. Fusebox Poet is there name and if you haven't heard of them then you're missing out. It's great to know that people I know are going somewhere in life and doing something with themselves. Being around people like that will not only inspire you to do whatever you do but they'll challenge you to be better at it. Moving FORWARD and taking risks. That's always important. I also have been creating a little music on my own lately. Just to refresh my love music and to help me prepare for an alternative career outside of filmmaking once I graduate. I picked up a book called "Decision Points" a few weeks ago. It's the previous President's (George W. Bush) memoirs on his presidency. I feel like he makes a lot of valid points on being in the toughest position in the world. I can't say I agree with everything he ever did, after all I'm pretty moderate when it comes to politics. I will say that I respect any person in that position and hope the very best for them and wish them guidance. The last few weeks have been melancholy at best but I do believe they have helped me grow. I still wish a few things were different and mistakes I've made could be changed but I know that this reformation of myself will help me prepare for my future in the world. Life is good.

With love,
William Brooks

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oh The Places To Go.

In the past few weeks the thought of leaving Charlotte, NC has been the thing thats been the most exciting to me as well as the most haunting. I graduate in less than a year and I feel like it's rapidly approaching. I plan to get my masters degree in film after the Art Institute of Charlotte. I believe my main cities of choice are either New York, Chicago, Houston, or Los Angeles and they are in that order for a reason. There are so many places in the world that I want to visit. How could I just settle down for one? They're plenty of places in the United States alone that I need to explore before I can make a final decision. Europe is definitely on a list of places to travel. In particular, England, Italy, Germany, Spain and France. I believe Europe will be an excellent place to live after I achieve everything I want to do in film first. Australia and New Zealand both have a mystery to them to me that I want to discover in my younger years after school. If I had it my way I would have a house in every place I wanted. Maybe one day it'll happen. We'll See.

With Love,
Will Brooks

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Time (Burning)

 Time (Burning)

What a mysterious creation. The wonderful mechanism that creates so much opportunity for ourselves but also contains the driving factor for so much pain. Do we have enough of it? It's the creation of something that governs how we live in every single way from how long we work to establishing events and holidays. Is it even necessary? It's simply there for control. Control on the things we do and how we do them. It decides the value of things and separates what has become and what will become of us. In recent years, especially through college, time has been the essential essence of determining what I do and how I can get it done. I wish there were days where all other judgements and responsibilities would just flee from me and I could discover what I want and how I want.

An interesting fact about time is that it can also measure. Light from a single star is so old that it left hundreds of thousands of years ago but we see it today. People who walked the earth thousands of years ago looked on the same stars and wondered the same thoughts. It has this haunting factor to it that if you really think about the expansion of the universe and all thats in it, then me and you aren't so amazing. In fact were pretty irrelevant to everything going on out there, but at the same time it has this comforting factor as well. We have something in common with the historical greats that walked the earth before us. We were all amazed by the beauty of our sun or the travels of a comet who has never burned out. Think about that. We have observations and hypotheses on how our universe is created but no one is right and nor will they ever be. I look at this picture of a comet and wonder what all it's seen. What it would think of life on earth as it passes our very small planet every not so often? What purpose does it serve if any? Does it even have to have a purpose? I think it's quite amazing in the fact that time doesn't govern it. It sails across the galaxy so freely. One day it will burn out but while its burning, its burning bright. This is beginning to sound like a rant.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I get caught up thinking about little things a lot. Things that weigh me down and stress me out. When I look at stuff like this simple little comet, I'm just amazed. Time is always gonna be present but it doesn't have to control us. We can still do the things we want and become who we want to be.  The comet is really a metaphor for me and you. We can break away from the norm and while we're trying to do what it is we love we will burn. One day we all burn out but WE will burn out bright. 

With love,
William Brooks

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Moving On

Good evening world! I hope life is treating you well at the moment and if not then understand that everything bad has something good that can come out of it. I haven't been able to post anything new in the past couple of days due to the large amounts of work I have been handed. In the past I would usually be ready to kill someone at that this moment and find an excuse for why I don't want to do it. Lately, I have a totally different mindset. I feel and know that all of these tasks laid before me have the potential to make me a better person in business, my career, and in my social life. That's an exciting thing! Recently I have found out the absolute importance of deadlines and finishing work on time. It's preparing me for my future in the "Real World" as far as business and clients go, but it also helps me stay on task for other little important personal things. Weeks like the past few weeks have helped me stay focused on school and work and not to worry about  little things that can get in the way of everything else as well as my well-being. I have some great teachers, mentors, and friends that are helping me along the way and I couldn't thank them more. More times than not, I have found that if I just sit back and observe the situation and evaluate it, I can come up with a strategy that will help me fix it and I'm better off in the long run. So... With all of this being said, I hope each and every person that reads this post finds some encouragement and inspiration to tackle whatever it is that they are dealing with in their lives at the moment. Remember, when you are the most uncomfortable with yourself you find out the most about yourself. Until next time. 

With Love,
William Brooks